May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live.
- The Master
I thought long and hard before posting this.
I decided that if posting on here meant ANYTHING at all, it is an appropriate public place to write a few words marking the passing of my father.
On November 17th this year he fell awkwardly in his lounge and broke his hip.
Following his discharge from hospital on Nov 23rd, he and my mum came to stay with us because an 89 year old motorist had that day crashed into the front wall of their house rendering it uninhabitable. No, I didn't believe it at the time either.
My dad had been losing weight for over a year and never weighed much to begin with. We didn't realise it at the time but this condition was more serious than we thought. Although he actually healed quite well from surgery, and was able to walk with the aid of a 'zimmer' frame, he was not eating enough and became weaker by the day. Our local GP attended twice and took blood samples. They did not reveal anything sinister although, a lifelong smoker, he had previously undiagnosed COPD.
He developed a chest infection and was prescribed antibiotics which did appear to be having a positive effect.
Then, after a good day last Friday where he was lucid, chatty even, and appeared to be on the mend, he died in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Below is the eulogy that I will be reading at his funeral next Tuesday, to a small group of family and friends.
My dad was not a religious man. He was not a Christian, and in fact considered himself an Atheist. He and I debated his view a few times, because as a fan of Terry Pratchett's work I felt he should see himself not as Atheist, knowing for certain there is no God, but as Agnostic, claiming no specific certainty or faith.
But he would have none of it. Quietly and politely as was his way, he insisted that for him, there was just life, and eventually, for everyone, death was the end.
He was nonetheless a very moral man. His integrity was very important to him. I remember in his early days as an Architect he would receive 'Christmas presents' of the odd bottle of scotch from building contractors. He accepted them, in those days he didn't have much money for luxuries, but it always made him uneasy. He didn't want to feel 'beholden' to anyone.
For the same reason he was not one to ask for help or favours, or the loan of something. He would do it himself, buy it himself, or do without. Even just two months ago he was still clearing garden waste by himself, only accepting a bit of help because I had a trailer large enough to take the bigger items. I'm sure if his car had been bigger he'd have done it all on his own. Right up to the end he mowed his own lawn, washed his own car, kept the house maintained, balanced his chequebook, and took a pride in his independence.
He was also a very kind man. Not one for 'the community', or 'good works' he would nonetheless give help to anyone who asked for it. In my youth he kept my moped running as well as that of my best mate. Even at 5.00 in the morning he'd get up to strip down a clogged carb prior to one of our fishing trips. He gave his time freely and happily to the Red Cross annual camp, putting up tents, and organising the cook out. Hot dogs were a particular speciality.
He was too a creative man. Architect by trade, I always felt he was more Artist and Artisan by persuasion. He loved to MAKE things. His house is full of little wooden 'adaptations', a grab rail, a hinged table top, a conservatory! If he needed a TV stand or a coffee table he'd go out to his shed and BUILD one. Not because he had to, but because he could. And the things he made were always perfect. Just the right size for the task, and finished so well they instantly became part of the background, like him, quietly and unobtrusively doing their job.
Material things were not important to him. He didn't own a lot of stuff. An air rifle and penknife were his only 'toys'. He wore no jewelry. When he retired from the building trade they bought him an expensive Omega watch. He never wore it. Preferring the simple inexpensive watch bought for him by my mum one holiday. He was not, as they say 'flash'. I remember after he got a second speeding ticket in his big old Ford Granada, he swapped it for a little Fiat, so that he could better feel how fast he was going. Appearances mattered little to him.
Dad had a wonderful sense of humour. His was a fan of the late Eric Morecambe, who's annual Christmas show was a highlight in its day. I think the sketch in a train where Ernie, speaking of his country home, tells Eric he has 'a couple of acres' and Eric replies "Yes these seats are a bit hard" sums up best what made him laugh.
He also liked dressing up, and was very good at it. As our kids grew up we had many 'themed' fancy dress parties and Dad always took the prize for the best getup. His ‘Starveling the Tailor' was particularly memorable, although his silver faced Zombie Lord, and ‘Big Cat Hunter’ complete with air pistol were up there with the best.
Above all dad was a loving man. As children, my sister and I took for granted that he loved us, why wouldn't we? He introduced me to the joys of fishing and model aircraft, and with Jane he shared his love of music.
As we grew up we both realised just how much his family meant to him. He loved to see us all, was always interested in what we were doing, always impressed by our achievements however small. He embraced our partners Paula and Lesley, and when our children came along he loved them too. He was always pleased to see Laura, Alice, Sally and Adam, always happy to talk to them, often over a 'fag break', about their lives and interests. With a smile and a pat on the shoulder he always made us all feel cared for and loved.
But his real love, the one person in the world with whom he fully shared himself and whose happiness meant more to him than his own, was of course, his wife, our mother, Sheila. From the age of 17 they were together. To say he loved her is not enough, she completed him. Married for 60 years separated only briefly by his period of National service, their story is one of a lifelong romance. Dad loved his family and enjoyed his friendships but, quiet and self sufficient as he was, the only person he ever truly needed was Mum. She meant everything to him, he trusted and relied on her just as she trusted and relied on him. His dearest wish, to the end was never to be separated from her.
He died holding her hand.
Thoughts as they occur, reflections on Life, the Universe and Everything (including Beer) and maybe one or two pix to illustrate.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Has it really been a Month......?
....since my last Blog? Doesn't time just fly
Well I've been a bit 'occupied' for the last few weeks, so a catch up blog is definitely required.
Back in October, I started to get the itch. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's not easily communicable, but every once in a while it needs scratching. The time had come to change the car.
Now our main 'workhorse' car is a comfortable though fundamentally boring Mondeo, but a few years ago I promised myself that before I died I would enjoy the delights of at least a couple of more 'exotic' rides even if only for a year or two (calm down ladies I'm still talking about cars).
I used to ride a bike, this one in fact:
and after that it takes a certain kind of car to generate the same 'excitement', so I decided to get one of these (this one in fact):
Its a Maserati 4200 GT and to say it was quite quick is like saying ZZ Top are quite hairy.
Handles like a dream and tops out at 170+ if you dare. It was a really fun car to drive, to polish and just to stare at, but it did have one drawback. It's a manual. For our American friends a 'stick shift'. Not only that but the gearbox was built out of bricks and the clutch springs were stronger than the suspension. Putting it simply it was hard work - rewarding when you got it right, punishing when you didn't. So after 2 1/2 years of hairy chested, latin machismo, I decided something more refined was called for. My left arm was getting tired, my clutch foot was starting to ache, and my spine was gradually crumbling from the punishingly hard ride.
So I got one of these (this one in fact) :-)
Its a Jaguar. In the US this is often incorrectly pronounced 'JagYooArr', in the UK it's simply pronounced 'Jaaaaaag', which rhymes with Shag, but lasts longer.
It's a supercharged V8 with quite a bit more 'oomph' than the Mas (510 Oomphs to be precise), and it goes like the beast it is. But its also refined. It is comfortable. It is an automatic (but with flappy paddle gearshift if you want to play).
I can't say in writing how fast I have been in it because I would be open to arrest and a good beating with a policeman's truncheon, but I can confirm that at over twice the national speed limit it is still accelerating ;-)
But it is also 'green'. No really. The engine is so efficient that despite its huge power output it still does 50% more miles to the gallon than the Mas did. OK 13 mpg round town isn't green by some standards but its a lot better than 8!
So that's my new ride. She sounds gorgeous too :-)
Well I've been a bit 'occupied' for the last few weeks, so a catch up blog is definitely required.
Back in October, I started to get the itch. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's not easily communicable, but every once in a while it needs scratching. The time had come to change the car.
Now our main 'workhorse' car is a comfortable though fundamentally boring Mondeo, but a few years ago I promised myself that before I died I would enjoy the delights of at least a couple of more 'exotic' rides even if only for a year or two (calm down ladies I'm still talking about cars).
I used to ride a bike, this one in fact:
and after that it takes a certain kind of car to generate the same 'excitement', so I decided to get one of these (this one in fact):
Its a Maserati 4200 GT and to say it was quite quick is like saying ZZ Top are quite hairy.
Handles like a dream and tops out at 170+ if you dare. It was a really fun car to drive, to polish and just to stare at, but it did have one drawback. It's a manual. For our American friends a 'stick shift'. Not only that but the gearbox was built out of bricks and the clutch springs were stronger than the suspension. Putting it simply it was hard work - rewarding when you got it right, punishing when you didn't. So after 2 1/2 years of hairy chested, latin machismo, I decided something more refined was called for. My left arm was getting tired, my clutch foot was starting to ache, and my spine was gradually crumbling from the punishingly hard ride.
So I got one of these (this one in fact) :-)
Its a Jaguar. In the US this is often incorrectly pronounced 'JagYooArr', in the UK it's simply pronounced 'Jaaaaaag', which rhymes with Shag, but lasts longer.
It's a supercharged V8 with quite a bit more 'oomph' than the Mas (510 Oomphs to be precise), and it goes like the beast it is. But its also refined. It is comfortable. It is an automatic (but with flappy paddle gearshift if you want to play).
I can't say in writing how fast I have been in it because I would be open to arrest and a good beating with a policeman's truncheon, but I can confirm that at over twice the national speed limit it is still accelerating ;-)
But it is also 'green'. No really. The engine is so efficient that despite its huge power output it still does 50% more miles to the gallon than the Mas did. OK 13 mpg round town isn't green by some standards but its a lot better than 8!
So that's my new ride. She sounds gorgeous too :-)
Monday, 17 October 2011
Blackberry and Apple Grumble
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Until it goes wrong - then it's indistinguishable from anything else that's completely fubar. in fact I think a second quote might be better here,
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.
Paul R. Ehrlich
So what a week that was. First, we lose Steve Jobs, then Dennis Ritchie, then Blackberry 'crumble', and finally Apple launch iOS 5 and the iPhone 4s.
On hearing of his death, I didn't immediately remember who Dennis Ritchie was, or where I'd heard of him, but the guy who gave us Unix and C has left us a greater, if less obvious legacy than that left by the founder of Apple. Ritchie might not have had a rock star profile among the the general public, but to millions of sandal wearing beardie programmers he was barely one step down from God.
Ironically, the new Apple iOS 5 , and its arch rival Android, are all built upon UNIX foundations so Ritchie's genius is carried today in the pocket of just about everyone in the civilised world. Well everyone with an iPhone or Android smartphone that is. Of course some damfools carry Blackberrys.
Someone on the Daily Mash said that Blackberry users think they are important, iPhone users think iPhones are important, and android users are just poor and unimportant. Dunno if that's true, but apart from having to send a couple of emails for my daughter whose Blackberry was down, I was left undisturbed by the global cataclysm resulting from Research in Motion's router crash.
A lot of folks got very steamed up about it though. Apparently RIM didn't keep everyone informed well enough about what had gone wrong and when it would be fixed. Some poor souls had to endure TWO WHOLE DAYS without instant messaging or Facebook access! You wonder how they coped and if they now need counselling?
The Apple iOS 5 launch, was also not glitch free.
I'm a big fan of all things Apple. I've had iPhones since the first one, and these days have just about completed the transition from PC to Mac. The move has been stimulating and not without the odd moment of pain. Some things Apple work superbly well, some things suck the big one. Aperture's integration with Flickr is in the latter category and has cost me hours of my life that I'll never get back.
So it was with a mix of anticipation and trepidation that I approached the iOS upgrade. For starters it was not an entirely trivial task. With a MacBook, iMac, iPhone 4 and iPad (1) to upgrade it was kinda tough to know where to start. In the end I did the Macbook first, which involved updating the Lion OS that I'd only recently installed, and upgrading to the latest iTunes. Fortunately I chose NOT to do this on the day of launch, because 100 million geeks and fanbois the world over were hammering Apples servers and wondering why it was taking so long to download. I waited until the day after!
I also did it first thing in the morning when America is asleep ;-)
It worked. That's it. no glitches, no lost data, and after about two hours I had all 4 devices updated and was enjoying the delights of the iCloud, er, except that there's really not that much to enjoy.
As a Mobile Me user I already had 20Gb of cloud storage, so another 5gb 'for free' wasn't too exciting. Oh and the document integration seems to only work with Apple's own iWork suite not MS Office. Mail and Calendar are no different from their Mobile Me predecessors, Contacts sharing is similarly ho hum, which leaves us with Photostream.
What a great idea, I take a pic on my iPhone and instantly (well about 15 seconds later) it appears on my iPad, MacBook and iMac! Fantastic. Except it was a picture of my thumb, so I took four more till I got the shot I wanted. but now all 5 are in my photostream and guess what - there's no 'delete' function. EVERY photo I take goes up to the cloud and ripples down to my iDevices, and stays there for 30 days. OK I can 'reset' my photostream and delete the lot, but I can't just delete the odd mistake. And you know those pix I was taking to see how big that spot on my right buttock was growing? oops!
I suspect a few celebs might suffer the odd embarrassing moment courtesy of this particular piece of folly. Isn't that right Scarlett? Yes I do mean you. OK it's only a 'beta' but deleting your own unwanted pix should have been a release one piece of functionality.
At least Apple have improved the 'find my iPhone' facility. Now I can 'find my Mac' too. Which is great because if I ever misplace my iMac, all 45lbs of it, and I can't easily see the 27" screen sticking out from under the sofa cushion then I'll be able to 'find it' on line - Brilliant! (actually this only works with the MacBook, not the iMac, which does kind of make sense)
So overall the iOS 5 mega update was a bit of a damp squib. C'est la vie. On a brighter note my iPhone 4s arrived at the office today so tonight I get to play with Siri!
Open the pod doors please Hal.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Until it goes wrong - then it's indistinguishable from anything else that's completely fubar. in fact I think a second quote might be better here,
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.
Paul R. Ehrlich
So what a week that was. First, we lose Steve Jobs, then Dennis Ritchie, then Blackberry 'crumble', and finally Apple launch iOS 5 and the iPhone 4s.
On hearing of his death, I didn't immediately remember who Dennis Ritchie was, or where I'd heard of him, but the guy who gave us Unix and C has left us a greater, if less obvious legacy than that left by the founder of Apple. Ritchie might not have had a rock star profile among the the general public, but to millions of sandal wearing beardie programmers he was barely one step down from God.
Ironically, the new Apple iOS 5 , and its arch rival Android, are all built upon UNIX foundations so Ritchie's genius is carried today in the pocket of just about everyone in the civilised world. Well everyone with an iPhone or Android smartphone that is. Of course some damfools carry Blackberrys.
Someone on the Daily Mash said that Blackberry users think they are important, iPhone users think iPhones are important, and android users are just poor and unimportant. Dunno if that's true, but apart from having to send a couple of emails for my daughter whose Blackberry was down, I was left undisturbed by the global cataclysm resulting from Research in Motion's router crash.
A lot of folks got very steamed up about it though. Apparently RIM didn't keep everyone informed well enough about what had gone wrong and when it would be fixed. Some poor souls had to endure TWO WHOLE DAYS without instant messaging or Facebook access! You wonder how they coped and if they now need counselling?
The Apple iOS 5 launch, was also not glitch free.
I'm a big fan of all things Apple. I've had iPhones since the first one, and these days have just about completed the transition from PC to Mac. The move has been stimulating and not without the odd moment of pain. Some things Apple work superbly well, some things suck the big one. Aperture's integration with Flickr is in the latter category and has cost me hours of my life that I'll never get back.
So it was with a mix of anticipation and trepidation that I approached the iOS upgrade. For starters it was not an entirely trivial task. With a MacBook, iMac, iPhone 4 and iPad (1) to upgrade it was kinda tough to know where to start. In the end I did the Macbook first, which involved updating the Lion OS that I'd only recently installed, and upgrading to the latest iTunes. Fortunately I chose NOT to do this on the day of launch, because 100 million geeks and fanbois the world over were hammering Apples servers and wondering why it was taking so long to download. I waited until the day after!
I also did it first thing in the morning when America is asleep ;-)
It worked. That's it. no glitches, no lost data, and after about two hours I had all 4 devices updated and was enjoying the delights of the iCloud, er, except that there's really not that much to enjoy.
As a Mobile Me user I already had 20Gb of cloud storage, so another 5gb 'for free' wasn't too exciting. Oh and the document integration seems to only work with Apple's own iWork suite not MS Office. Mail and Calendar are no different from their Mobile Me predecessors, Contacts sharing is similarly ho hum, which leaves us with Photostream.
What a great idea, I take a pic on my iPhone and instantly (well about 15 seconds later) it appears on my iPad, MacBook and iMac! Fantastic. Except it was a picture of my thumb, so I took four more till I got the shot I wanted. but now all 5 are in my photostream and guess what - there's no 'delete' function. EVERY photo I take goes up to the cloud and ripples down to my iDevices, and stays there for 30 days. OK I can 'reset' my photostream and delete the lot, but I can't just delete the odd mistake. And you know those pix I was taking to see how big that spot on my right buttock was growing? oops!
I suspect a few celebs might suffer the odd embarrassing moment courtesy of this particular piece of folly. Isn't that right Scarlett? Yes I do mean you. OK it's only a 'beta' but deleting your own unwanted pix should have been a release one piece of functionality.
At least Apple have improved the 'find my iPhone' facility. Now I can 'find my Mac' too. Which is great because if I ever misplace my iMac, all 45lbs of it, and I can't easily see the 27" screen sticking out from under the sofa cushion then I'll be able to 'find it' on line - Brilliant! (actually this only works with the MacBook, not the iMac, which does kind of make sense)
So overall the iOS 5 mega update was a bit of a damp squib. C'est la vie. On a brighter note my iPhone 4s arrived at the office today so tonight I get to play with Siri!
Open the pod doors please Hal.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
RIP Steve Jobs
Death is the lot of all of us and the only way the human race has ever conquered death is by treating it with contempt. By living every golden minute as if one had all eternity.
- RAH, Guest of Honor Speech at the XIXth World Science Fiction Convention
I woke up today to the news that Steve Jobs had lost his battle with cancer.
He was a true visionary, he changed the way humankind interacts with technology and each other. His passing is a great loss, to his family, his friends, to his company and to the world.
RIP Steve Jobs, and Thank you. Your legacy will go on, enriching our lives and liberating our creativity for decades to come.
- RAH, Guest of Honor Speech at the XIXth World Science Fiction Convention
I woke up today to the news that Steve Jobs had lost his battle with cancer.
He was a true visionary, he changed the way humankind interacts with technology and each other. His passing is a great loss, to his family, his friends, to his company and to the world.
RIP Steve Jobs, and Thank you. Your legacy will go on, enriching our lives and liberating our creativity for decades to come.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Anyone lost a squirrel?
A squirrel is a rat with good PR
- Anon
Walt and Winnie, clearly fully recovered from their recent surgery, found a couple of squirrels today. When I say found, I mean they sat watching them for about half an hour before I wondered what was holding their interest. The squirrels were on the ground below the trees at the end of our garden. They looked pretty young.
Walt and Win couldn't decide what to do with them. The young squirrels didn't run around, just crawled slowly away, which probably saved their lives.
I thought I should intervene. So I fetched an empty Prosecco box - we seem to have a few in the garage :-) and put them in it.

We added a few nuts and bits of apple, and for some reason a conker, but the squirrels weren't interested.
So we gave them a drink of water, and left them to calm down away from the kittens for a while.
Then we tried to release them back into the wild.
They wouldn't go.
At this point I noticed that they were literally covered in fleas. I mean covered. There must have been 500 fleas on each squirrel.
OK not about to make pets of them then. So I called Ghostbusters. Well not actually Ghostbusters, but rather the Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital Trust. These Folks.
"I have squirrels" I said. "Lucky you" they said. "They look young and scared" I said. "Are their eyes open?" They asked. "Yes" I said, "and they are covered in fleas". "Bring them in" they said. So after some confusion getting their address I put the Prosecco box in a bin liner, and put the whole package in the car.
Half an hour later I arrived at the rescue centre. I was met by a very nice, if slightly stern lady. 'I have squirrels?" I said, hopefully. She looked suspiciously at the plastic bag I was carrying. "I hope they can breath in there" she said, giving me a somewhat baleful look. "They have fleas" I explained, a bit weakly.
I opened up the bag and the box, hoping very sincerely that the squirrels hadn't suffocated. They hadn't.
"We'll put them in this carrier" said another lady, lifting the first squirrel out and gently putting it in a very comfy blanketed carrier box. "Oh, it's covered in fleas!" she exclaimed. "Yes" I said. "Oh we better keep it in your box until we've treated them" she said. "Good idea" I said. "Would you like a donation towards their upkeep?" This won them over.
We parted on the best of terms, with promises to keep me informed of the squirrels' progress. Apparently they would be wintered in the rescue centre and released next spring. Sounds like they got a good deal, The ladies were very kind.
I've been itching all day.
- Anon
Walt and Winnie, clearly fully recovered from their recent surgery, found a couple of squirrels today. When I say found, I mean they sat watching them for about half an hour before I wondered what was holding their interest. The squirrels were on the ground below the trees at the end of our garden. They looked pretty young.
Walt and Win couldn't decide what to do with them. The young squirrels didn't run around, just crawled slowly away, which probably saved their lives.
I thought I should intervene. So I fetched an empty Prosecco box - we seem to have a few in the garage :-) and put them in it.

We added a few nuts and bits of apple, and for some reason a conker, but the squirrels weren't interested.
So we gave them a drink of water, and left them to calm down away from the kittens for a while.
Then we tried to release them back into the wild.
They wouldn't go.
So I tried feeding them again and giving them a drink from a pipette, but that didn't go too well either.At this point I noticed that they were literally covered in fleas. I mean covered. There must have been 500 fleas on each squirrel.
OK not about to make pets of them then. So I called Ghostbusters. Well not actually Ghostbusters, but rather the Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital Trust. These Folks.
"I have squirrels" I said. "Lucky you" they said. "They look young and scared" I said. "Are their eyes open?" They asked. "Yes" I said, "and they are covered in fleas". "Bring them in" they said. So after some confusion getting their address I put the Prosecco box in a bin liner, and put the whole package in the car.
Half an hour later I arrived at the rescue centre. I was met by a very nice, if slightly stern lady. 'I have squirrels?" I said, hopefully. She looked suspiciously at the plastic bag I was carrying. "I hope they can breath in there" she said, giving me a somewhat baleful look. "They have fleas" I explained, a bit weakly.
I opened up the bag and the box, hoping very sincerely that the squirrels hadn't suffocated. They hadn't.
"We'll put them in this carrier" said another lady, lifting the first squirrel out and gently putting it in a very comfy blanketed carrier box. "Oh, it's covered in fleas!" she exclaimed. "Yes" I said. "Oh we better keep it in your box until we've treated them" she said. "Good idea" I said. "Would you like a donation towards their upkeep?" This won them over.
We parted on the best of terms, with promises to keep me informed of the squirrels' progress. Apparently they would be wintered in the rescue centre and released next spring. Sounds like they got a good deal, The ladies were very kind.
I've been itching all day.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Guilty feelings.....
How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven
- The Master
The kittens reached 'that age' this week. If we didn't want our small cat nation state to get a lot bigger, surgical intervention was required.
So off we all went to the vet. Two humans feeling rather guilty for the mutilation to come, and three Maine Coons giving the appearance of being completely nonchalant about the whole affair. They even purred in the waiting room - bless!
Four hours later we picked them up and all was well. The two girls were a tad unsteady on their feet. But no more than I am after the fourth pint. Walter didn't appear to have noticed anything was missing.
They tucked into a hearty supper, having been starved for nearly 24 hours and seemed genuinely unaffected by their ordeal.
So we woke this morning to a glorious sunny day (amazingly warm for September) and the kitties all keen to go and play in the garden.
Here's Hattie, her bald spot looking slightly like the skin of a milk cow (don't tell her I said that).
Walter apparently unaffected by the loss of his boy bits
And Winnie, but here there was a problem....
It's hard to tell from the photo, but we noticed some swelling under her stitches. She didn't seem bothered, and clearly wasn't in pain, but we thought we should get her checked out. The vet said one of her internal stitches must have failed, so she's back under the knife today. Hopefully all will be well, but we won't know until later.
Guilt feelings back up to the max :-(
Update - Winnie is fine! :-)
She had to have the stitches re-done but shows no ill effects, and was straight up the garden and up her favourite tree this morning. I wish I had their powers of recuperation. Also good news, no charge for the re-stitch from the vet, (which makes me wonder if perhaps they felt a little responsible). Anyway all is well, and another sunny day in store. Yesterday was apparently the hottest September 30th in Britain for 100 years! Today is looking good for being the hottest October 1st. Shame it wasn't like this three weeks ago when we were in Bideford.
Still, mustn't grumble ;-)
- The Master
The kittens reached 'that age' this week. If we didn't want our small cat nation state to get a lot bigger, surgical intervention was required.
So off we all went to the vet. Two humans feeling rather guilty for the mutilation to come, and three Maine Coons giving the appearance of being completely nonchalant about the whole affair. They even purred in the waiting room - bless!
Four hours later we picked them up and all was well. The two girls were a tad unsteady on their feet. But no more than I am after the fourth pint. Walter didn't appear to have noticed anything was missing.
They tucked into a hearty supper, having been starved for nearly 24 hours and seemed genuinely unaffected by their ordeal.
So we woke this morning to a glorious sunny day (amazingly warm for September) and the kitties all keen to go and play in the garden.
Here's Hattie, her bald spot looking slightly like the skin of a milk cow (don't tell her I said that).
Walter apparently unaffected by the loss of his boy bits
And Winnie, but here there was a problem....
It's hard to tell from the photo, but we noticed some swelling under her stitches. She didn't seem bothered, and clearly wasn't in pain, but we thought we should get her checked out. The vet said one of her internal stitches must have failed, so she's back under the knife today. Hopefully all will be well, but we won't know until later.
Guilt feelings back up to the max :-(
Update - Winnie is fine! :-)
She had to have the stitches re-done but shows no ill effects, and was straight up the garden and up her favourite tree this morning. I wish I had their powers of recuperation. Also good news, no charge for the re-stitch from the vet, (which makes me wonder if perhaps they felt a little responsible). Anyway all is well, and another sunny day in store. Yesterday was apparently the hottest September 30th in Britain for 100 years! Today is looking good for being the hottest October 1st. Shame it wasn't like this three weeks ago when we were in Bideford.
Still, mustn't grumble ;-)
Sunday, 25 September 2011
He built a cabin and a winter store, and he ploughed up the ground by the cold lake shore...
"Its amazing what you can do with an 'E' in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw"
- Damien Hirst
So you see I've always wanted a chainsaw.
Ok before you start edging slowly towards the door, I don't mean in a 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' kind of way. That film BTW gives chainsaws a (VERY) bad name - one which IMHO is completely undeserved.
More people are damaged by hammers and baseball bats every day than by chainsaws, it's just that chainsaw damage is pretty, well, non-trivial. I mean you slip with a hammer, you get a bruised thumb. You slip with a chainsaw and you lose half an arm. So OK, you do have to be careful, but that aside, chainsaws are not inherently evil or dangerous - they're just a tool, like an axe, or a scythe, but with MORE POWER!!!
Anyway apart from the obvious and practical benefit as an aid to post-apocalyptic zombie defence, the other primary use of a chainsaw is to cut up logs, and, having quite a few logs in our garden (following some tree work we've had done recently), I finally decided a chainsaw was a justifiable purchase. I did settle for an electric one, which kind of ruins it as a post apocalyptic anti zombie defence tool, (unless the apocalypse leaves the mains electrical network intact), but having torn every stomach muscle I ever had trying to start my petrol driven strimmer, I thought "bugger that for a game of soldiers, electric will do just fine". It also helps that we have power at the top of the garden, so I don't need to run out half a mile of cable just to use it.
So I got my very first chainsaw last week, courtesy of Amazon - and BTW aren't Amazon just awesome? I never shop anywhere else. I'd buy milk from them if they sold it. I bought an alarm clock from them in April that tells you the temperature outside using a remote sensor, and projects it along with the time, onto the bedroom ceiling - I mean how cool is that? Everyone should have one. It's amazing to wake up at 3am and know that its 8 degrees centigrade out in the garden, I don't know how I lived 50 years without having this information to hand. Anyway it broke down. It started telling me that it was --.- centigrade which was less than helpful. I emailed Amazon, they sent me a new one - just like that - fecking marvellous service! Anyway, back to the chainsaw.
Having taken delivery (next day, no charge!) of the chainsaw, and spent an hour fitting the chain VERY CAREFULLY (I mean you DON'T want the little sod coming loose now do you?) I spent a few minutes deciding what to saw first. Logs were available but they seemed a bit , well, tame. So I decided to eradicate the yew tree behind the shed.
I don't know about you, but I hate conifers! OK OK , the yew isn't as bad as those fecking huge Leylandii bastards, but it's still coniferous and not, in my opinion, to be trusted. So brandishing my new saw, with a wild gleam in my eye, I attacked the little bugger with gusto (and the chainsaw).
It was no contest. The phrase 'hot knife through butter' springs to mind. It was all over in 10 minutes. Chainsaw wielding maniacs 1, Evil evergreens nil! Mwuhahahaha!
Once the red mist had subsided I realised that fun as it was, chopping down trees would have only limited long term prospects as eventually I would be left with a garden full of stumps. So maybe now was the time to turn to the logs. Hmm, problem - Trees, even conifers, stand proud and relatively upright. Logs just lie there on the ground and sulk. To cut them up into little pieces you really need to put them up on a sawhorse, but I didn't have one.
Solution - Make a sawhorse out of some smaller logs using the chainsaw and then use it to cut up some bigger logs - genius! Now I was inspired. I was like primitive man carving out his niche in the wilderness, only with power tools, eye protection and gardening gloves.
So I collected some slimmish branches and cut them to usable lengths. Here they are piled up against a tree stump.:
Actually just cutting them up was quite satisfying, but the fun was just beginning!
Now I cut joints into each one at carefully chosen positions and then assembled them into this:
It only took a couple of hours. In fact it was somewhat easier than assembling Ikea furniture, with less cursing at fiddly little allen keys and stupid bloody incomprehensible pictorial instructions.
BTW the big log on the top is not part of the sawhorse, it is waiting, patiently, to be cut up.
At this point inspiration overwhelmed me. If I was going to cut up logs, I'd need somewhere to store them , somewhere like a LOG STORE!! There was no stopping me now! I didn't want to just BUY anything, (not even from Amazon!) I was going to make it all using just stuff I had lying around!
I slept well that night, and dreamed of settlers and pioneers, the lyrics of Dire Straits 'Telegraph Road' running through my head.
Next day I assembled an old pallet, a couple of wooden gates, some spare fence posts, and some slates left over from when we had our roof done, and built this:
Fantastic! I'd built my winter log store, I was a true self sufficient man of the wilderness! I could feel my cheeks tanning and legs bowing. Now I just needed to fill it with chopped logs and then, er, oh, erm, Problem.
I hadn't at this point thought beyond chopping up the logs. I didn't actually have a use for them.
Easily solved though, for only about four grand we could rip out the gas fire in the lounge, tear out the old fireplace, fit a steel liner to the chimney, install a new fireplace, and buy a WOOD BURNING STOVE!! Brilliant! - Problem solved.
And in about 150 years the savings on gas would just about pay for it- Yay!
I wonder if Amazon do wood burning stoves?
Silly question, of course they do :-)
- Damien Hirst
So you see I've always wanted a chainsaw.
Ok before you start edging slowly towards the door, I don't mean in a 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' kind of way. That film BTW gives chainsaws a (VERY) bad name - one which IMHO is completely undeserved.
More people are damaged by hammers and baseball bats every day than by chainsaws, it's just that chainsaw damage is pretty, well, non-trivial. I mean you slip with a hammer, you get a bruised thumb. You slip with a chainsaw and you lose half an arm. So OK, you do have to be careful, but that aside, chainsaws are not inherently evil or dangerous - they're just a tool, like an axe, or a scythe, but with MORE POWER!!!
Anyway apart from the obvious and practical benefit as an aid to post-apocalyptic zombie defence, the other primary use of a chainsaw is to cut up logs, and, having quite a few logs in our garden (following some tree work we've had done recently), I finally decided a chainsaw was a justifiable purchase. I did settle for an electric one, which kind of ruins it as a post apocalyptic anti zombie defence tool, (unless the apocalypse leaves the mains electrical network intact), but having torn every stomach muscle I ever had trying to start my petrol driven strimmer, I thought "bugger that for a game of soldiers, electric will do just fine". It also helps that we have power at the top of the garden, so I don't need to run out half a mile of cable just to use it.
So I got my very first chainsaw last week, courtesy of Amazon - and BTW aren't Amazon just awesome? I never shop anywhere else. I'd buy milk from them if they sold it. I bought an alarm clock from them in April that tells you the temperature outside using a remote sensor, and projects it along with the time, onto the bedroom ceiling - I mean how cool is that? Everyone should have one. It's amazing to wake up at 3am and know that its 8 degrees centigrade out in the garden, I don't know how I lived 50 years without having this information to hand. Anyway it broke down. It started telling me that it was --.- centigrade which was less than helpful. I emailed Amazon, they sent me a new one - just like that - fecking marvellous service! Anyway, back to the chainsaw.
Having taken delivery (next day, no charge!) of the chainsaw, and spent an hour fitting the chain VERY CAREFULLY (I mean you DON'T want the little sod coming loose now do you?) I spent a few minutes deciding what to saw first. Logs were available but they seemed a bit , well, tame. So I decided to eradicate the yew tree behind the shed.
I don't know about you, but I hate conifers! OK OK , the yew isn't as bad as those fecking huge Leylandii bastards, but it's still coniferous and not, in my opinion, to be trusted. So brandishing my new saw, with a wild gleam in my eye, I attacked the little bugger with gusto (and the chainsaw).
It was no contest. The phrase 'hot knife through butter' springs to mind. It was all over in 10 minutes. Chainsaw wielding maniacs 1, Evil evergreens nil! Mwuhahahaha!
Once the red mist had subsided I realised that fun as it was, chopping down trees would have only limited long term prospects as eventually I would be left with a garden full of stumps. So maybe now was the time to turn to the logs. Hmm, problem - Trees, even conifers, stand proud and relatively upright. Logs just lie there on the ground and sulk. To cut them up into little pieces you really need to put them up on a sawhorse, but I didn't have one.
Solution - Make a sawhorse out of some smaller logs using the chainsaw and then use it to cut up some bigger logs - genius! Now I was inspired. I was like primitive man carving out his niche in the wilderness, only with power tools, eye protection and gardening gloves.
So I collected some slimmish branches and cut them to usable lengths. Here they are piled up against a tree stump.:
Actually just cutting them up was quite satisfying, but the fun was just beginning!
Now I cut joints into each one at carefully chosen positions and then assembled them into this:
It only took a couple of hours. In fact it was somewhat easier than assembling Ikea furniture, with less cursing at fiddly little allen keys and stupid bloody incomprehensible pictorial instructions.
BTW the big log on the top is not part of the sawhorse, it is waiting, patiently, to be cut up.
At this point inspiration overwhelmed me. If I was going to cut up logs, I'd need somewhere to store them , somewhere like a LOG STORE!! There was no stopping me now! I didn't want to just BUY anything, (not even from Amazon!) I was going to make it all using just stuff I had lying around!
I slept well that night, and dreamed of settlers and pioneers, the lyrics of Dire Straits 'Telegraph Road' running through my head.
Next day I assembled an old pallet, a couple of wooden gates, some spare fence posts, and some slates left over from when we had our roof done, and built this:
Fantastic! I'd built my winter log store, I was a true self sufficient man of the wilderness! I could feel my cheeks tanning and legs bowing. Now I just needed to fill it with chopped logs and then, er, oh, erm, Problem.
I hadn't at this point thought beyond chopping up the logs. I didn't actually have a use for them.
Easily solved though, for only about four grand we could rip out the gas fire in the lounge, tear out the old fireplace, fit a steel liner to the chimney, install a new fireplace, and buy a WOOD BURNING STOVE!! Brilliant! - Problem solved.
And in about 150 years the savings on gas would just about pay for it- Yay!
I wonder if Amazon do wood burning stoves?
Silly question, of course they do :-)
Monday, 19 September 2011
Of Mice and Mousers...
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. "
- The Master
So, Cats - Love 'em or loathe them? Not really a grumble this, more of an introduction. I love 'em, mostly, although they have their 'moments'.
Our ginger boy Toby, who's getting on a bit, nearly lost all nine lives a couple of years ago when he 'mistook' my PS3 for a litter tray. Strange mistake to make really since the PS3 is black, shiny and humming with electricity, not very similar at all to a grey plastic and definitely non-electrified litter tray.
A PS3:
A litter tray
Our latest arrivals started out quite small:
and Walt
However they grow up quite quickly. Here they are at 12 weeks
Hattie and Winnie
And Walt
and at 6 months:
and you know who
I mentioned 6.5 cats, and the numerate among you will have spotted that so far we have only accounted for four. Good spot! Our other two are four year old sisters Tinky and Lol,
Lol (she's just 'big boned')
Lol has something of a weight problem. We've tried putting her on a diet but it's difficult with 6 of them, she just eats the others' food. We also worried that if we starved her she might eat one of us.
The final .5 of a cat is Herman. He's a feral who visits us most nights, eats whatever he can find and snores on the kitchen chair until morning. He's quite friendly if somewhat 'reserved'. He doesn't hurt the others and they don't seem to mind him. We named him Herman because of his uncanny resemblance to Adolph Hitler, but he shows no interest in invading anywhere but our kitchen.
Biggest problem with having 6 (.5) cats is that they are very fond of catching mice and quite keen to share their catches with us. Waking up to find half a dead mouse on the quilt is not an experience I would recommend to the squeamish.
The other morning my wife woke to find an apparently dead mouse on the bedspread so she slid quietly out of bed, and rather than disturb me, left me snoring underneath it. I woke up a bit later to find it had recovered and was running round on my chest.
Oh how we laughed.
- The Master
So, Cats - Love 'em or loathe them? Not really a grumble this, more of an introduction. I love 'em, mostly, although they have their 'moments'.
Our ginger boy Toby, who's getting on a bit, nearly lost all nine lives a couple of years ago when he 'mistook' my PS3 for a litter tray. Strange mistake to make really since the PS3 is black, shiny and humming with electricity, not very similar at all to a grey plastic and definitely non-electrified litter tray.
A PS3:
A litter tray
See what I mean?
The PS3 turned out not to be 'water' proof, but fortunately the short-circuit and resultant 240 volt spark didn't leap as far as Toby's Tackle. Funnily enough the service technicians said the console was 'not repairable' but I reckon they made that judgement from just the smell.
Toby hid on the garage roof for the rest of the summer. He could tell I wasn't happy.
Despite this unfortunate experience I remain a huge cat fan, in fact I am such a fan of huge cats that we decided to add three Maine Coons to our colony (apparently 5 or more cats constitute a colony, so with 6.5 we now have a small cat-nation state).
When I say 'huge cats' I'm not kidding, Maine Coons grow up to 48" nose to tail and can weigh over 28lbs (that's nearly 13Kgs for anyone who speaks Euro).
This one is called Wolfman Jack and he's the uncle of two of ours:
and Walt
However they grow up quite quickly. Here they are at 12 weeks
Hattie and Winnie
And Walt
and at 6 months:
and you know who
I mentioned 6.5 cats, and the numerate among you will have spotted that so far we have only accounted for four. Good spot! Our other two are four year old sisters Tinky and Lol,
Lol (she's just 'big boned')
Lol has something of a weight problem. We've tried putting her on a diet but it's difficult with 6 of them, she just eats the others' food. We also worried that if we starved her she might eat one of us.
The final .5 of a cat is Herman. He's a feral who visits us most nights, eats whatever he can find and snores on the kitchen chair until morning. He's quite friendly if somewhat 'reserved'. He doesn't hurt the others and they don't seem to mind him. We named him Herman because of his uncanny resemblance to Adolph Hitler, but he shows no interest in invading anywhere but our kitchen.
Biggest problem with having 6 (.5) cats is that they are very fond of catching mice and quite keen to share their catches with us. Waking up to find half a dead mouse on the quilt is not an experience I would recommend to the squeamish.
The other morning my wife woke to find an apparently dead mouse on the bedspread so she slid quietly out of bed, and rather than disturb me, left me snoring underneath it. I woke up a bit later to find it had recovered and was running round on my chest.
Oh how we laughed.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
The morning after the night before
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors — and miss.
- The Master
Bit of a thick(er than usual) head this morning, can't think why. Possibly related to the five pints of beer I enjoyed at Babelas last night, followed by a large Lamb and Doner* Mixed, washed down by a couple of large whiskey and sodas before bedtime. Or maybe I'm just getting a cold.
Good blogging day yesterday. Thanks to a mention on Laura's site my traffic went up 2700 percent! (that's from 1 view per day to 27! impressive huh?) - maybe I'm 'going viral'?
That could explain the headache.
Actually, a big thanks to all those who popped over from Laura's site and left comments, much appreciated, at least I know someone's out there. Is it too early do you think, to start monetising this site?
Similar thanks, (though less sincere) to the drunken wazzack (AKA The Cardigan Kid) who posted the two ski related comments on the iPhone thread. That should of course have been 'a ROLLING minky gathers no moss' but I suppose even drunken drivel has its place, and if so that place could well be here.
Laura's thinking of starting a new blog 'Sh*t my dad slurs' - Sounds promishing.
* For our German reader - this has nothing to do with Thunder
- The Master
Bit of a thick(er than usual) head this morning, can't think why. Possibly related to the five pints of beer I enjoyed at Babelas last night, followed by a large Lamb and Doner* Mixed, washed down by a couple of large whiskey and sodas before bedtime. Or maybe I'm just getting a cold.
Good blogging day yesterday. Thanks to a mention on Laura's site my traffic went up 2700 percent! (that's from 1 view per day to 27! impressive huh?) - maybe I'm 'going viral'?
That could explain the headache.
Actually, a big thanks to all those who popped over from Laura's site and left comments, much appreciated, at least I know someone's out there. Is it too early do you think, to start monetising this site?
Similar thanks, (though less sincere) to the drunken wazzack (AKA The Cardigan Kid) who posted the two ski related comments on the iPhone thread. That should of course have been 'a ROLLING minky gathers no moss' but I suppose even drunken drivel has its place, and if so that place could well be here.
Laura's thinking of starting a new blog 'Sh*t my dad slurs' - Sounds promishing.
* For our German reader - this has nothing to do with Thunder
Friday, 16 September 2011
Buttons and Domains
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons
- Ringo Starr
Ok so after only half a day of footling about with domain names and html, I managed to not only bag the domain (which, I feel, is a pretty cool domain) but more importantly create a button for my blog!
The domain thing was actually pretty easy, I just bought it from Google, biggest surprise was that noone had already bagged it!
The button thing was a LOT harder. Back when I was last writing code, java was an island in Southeast Asia, and the web was that thing stretched across the door of my garden shed.
Fortunately however, in one of my more enlightened moments, sometime back in October 1988, I started a process that resulted in me today having access to my own blogging and html technical support guru. How far sighted of me was that?
So a big thank-you goes out to Laura Jane at Needles Pins and Baking Tins for providing me with the button code (as well as numerous quilts, cushions, mug rugs and delicious and no doubt nourishing puddings). Some investments really do pay off!
Here's a pic.
I think she was just working out where to put the href tags.
- Ringo Starr
Ok so after only half a day of footling about with domain names and html, I managed to not only bag the domain (which, I feel, is a pretty cool domain) but more importantly create a button for my blog!
The domain thing was actually pretty easy, I just bought it from Google, biggest surprise was that noone had already bagged it!
The button thing was a LOT harder. Back when I was last writing code, java was an island in Southeast Asia, and the web was that thing stretched across the door of my garden shed.
Fortunately however, in one of my more enlightened moments, sometime back in October 1988, I started a process that resulted in me today having access to my own blogging and html technical support guru. How far sighted of me was that?
So a big thank-you goes out to Laura Jane at Needles Pins and Baking Tins for providing me with the button code (as well as numerous quilts, cushions, mug rugs and delicious and no doubt nourishing puddings). Some investments really do pay off!
Here's a pic.
I think she was just working out where to put the href tags.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Grumbles from the iPhone
Ok if it works from the iPad I guess it has to work from the phone right?
Yep looks like it does.
Ok cancel the moan. Like everything in life these days. There's an app for it :-)
Think I'll just test the image uploader. Can I post a pic taken right now in the phone? That would be moderately cool.
Ok here goes.....
What a great view, although it looks like things could change...
Yep looks like it does.
Ok cancel the moan. Like everything in life these days. There's an app for it :-)
Think I'll just test the image uploader. Can I post a pic taken right now in the phone? That would be moderately cool.
Ok here goes.....
What a great view, although it looks like things could change...
Of course my real view is of the fishpond in the garden..
and yes I can take a pic and post it so pretty cool overall.
Leicester, UK
Grumbles from the iPad
Thought I'd find out if I can blog from iPad. Seems I can, but only using the iPhone app. Why it doesn't work in safari on iPad beats me. Not really worth a Grumble though. A small moan or minor whinge is probably all it merits.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the
first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.
- One of Murphy's Laws of Technology
Ok a real Grumble now, the first but unlikely to be the last, (the post about Devon weather wasn't a Grumble - just a whinge - important distinction).
So, Aperture on the Apple Mac, a fine piece of software, powerful, friendly, great for retouching photos and also for cataloging them, and cheaper than Photoshop (although not much cheaper than Photoshop Elements, but that's another Grumble). Aperture also integrates seamlessly with Flickr making it easy to publish your pix - or does it?
No it fecking doesn't! Whoever designed that 'integration' should be taken out and beaten senseless with a cucumber. It's not just bad, it's abysmal!
What's wrong you ask? (well you did didn't you?), I'll tell you (you knew I would):
For a start it just doesn't work. Most (but not all) of the time, when you 'share' your latest snaps to Flickr it takes an age, and then duplicates or triplicates most of them. Feck knows what it thinks it's doing, but you end up with three times as many copies as you started with or wanted.
Buts that's not the worst part, oh no!
It doesn't just 'publish' your pix and forget them like a good little uploader, it keeps track of them and maintains a link to the original. Which means that if you change the original it re-publishes it replacing the one you published earlier. Now what wombat thought that was a good idea? If I publish a copy of a pic I don't want some over enthusiastic, interfering little software busybody changing it without my knowledge or permission. I want it to stay how I published it. Even worse if I accidentally delete it from my Aperture album I DON'T want it deleting from Flickr - but that's exactly what happens.
Worst of all, every little change to the pic results in the Flickr copy being 'replaced' with a new copy, at a new Flickr address. A new address that is NOT the same as the one I used when I linked another website (say, this one) to the Flickr pic. So if I tighten the crop on a picture of my cat (in Aperture), after I have published it to Flickr, and linked to it from here, the link will be broken the next time Aperture 'synchs' with Flickr and I can't stop it happening.
Whoever thought this was a good way to manage the 'link' should be disemboweled using the cucumber mentioned above.
It really is very bad, it's wasted hours of my life and probably pushed my systolic and diastolic through the ceiling.
Fortunately there is an answer, one that doesn't have to involve cucumbers.
A little program called FlickrExport by Connected Flow. It costs all of 14 quid, is only about 1.6Mb to download (remember the days when most apps were smaller than a 1.44Mb floppy?) and it works.
It does , as they say, what it says on the tin. Once it's installed as an Aperture plug in, it sits quietly under the File->Export menu waiting for your instructions to publish your chosen snaps to Flickr.
No 'two way integration' Bollux, no 'maintaining an active link' Malarky, just export to Flickr and forget. It will even pre-tag your pix for you and do lots of other houskeepingy things that you would normally not be arsed with. Excellent bit of kit. The developers should be allowed to watch while the wazzacks from Apple who wrote the Aperture link are ravished with blunt vegetables.
- One of Murphy's Laws of Technology
Ok a real Grumble now, the first but unlikely to be the last, (the post about Devon weather wasn't a Grumble - just a whinge - important distinction).
So, Aperture on the Apple Mac, a fine piece of software, powerful, friendly, great for retouching photos and also for cataloging them, and cheaper than Photoshop (although not much cheaper than Photoshop Elements, but that's another Grumble). Aperture also integrates seamlessly with Flickr making it easy to publish your pix - or does it?
No it fecking doesn't! Whoever designed that 'integration' should be taken out and beaten senseless with a cucumber. It's not just bad, it's abysmal!
What's wrong you ask? (well you did didn't you?), I'll tell you (you knew I would):
For a start it just doesn't work. Most (but not all) of the time, when you 'share' your latest snaps to Flickr it takes an age, and then duplicates or triplicates most of them. Feck knows what it thinks it's doing, but you end up with three times as many copies as you started with or wanted.
Buts that's not the worst part, oh no!
It doesn't just 'publish' your pix and forget them like a good little uploader, it keeps track of them and maintains a link to the original. Which means that if you change the original it re-publishes it replacing the one you published earlier. Now what wombat thought that was a good idea? If I publish a copy of a pic I don't want some over enthusiastic, interfering little software busybody changing it without my knowledge or permission. I want it to stay how I published it. Even worse if I accidentally delete it from my Aperture album I DON'T want it deleting from Flickr - but that's exactly what happens.
Worst of all, every little change to the pic results in the Flickr copy being 'replaced' with a new copy, at a new Flickr address. A new address that is NOT the same as the one I used when I linked another website (say, this one) to the Flickr pic. So if I tighten the crop on a picture of my cat (in Aperture), after I have published it to Flickr, and linked to it from here, the link will be broken the next time Aperture 'synchs' with Flickr and I can't stop it happening.
Whoever thought this was a good way to manage the 'link' should be disemboweled using the cucumber mentioned above.
It really is very bad, it's wasted hours of my life and probably pushed my systolic and diastolic through the ceiling.
Fortunately there is an answer, one that doesn't have to involve cucumbers.
A little program called FlickrExport by Connected Flow. It costs all of 14 quid, is only about 1.6Mb to download (remember the days when most apps were smaller than a 1.44Mb floppy?) and it works.
It does , as they say, what it says on the tin. Once it's installed as an Aperture plug in, it sits quietly under the File->Export menu waiting for your instructions to publish your chosen snaps to Flickr.
No 'two way integration' Bollux, no 'maintaining an active link' Malarky, just export to Flickr and forget. It will even pre-tag your pix for you and do lots of other houskeepingy things that you would normally not be arsed with. Excellent bit of kit. The developers should be allowed to watch while the wazzacks from Apple who wrote the Aperture link are ravished with blunt vegetables.
Monday, 12 September 2011
"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive..."
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert had obviously just been to Devon in September.
No, really, we had a great week (again), but if the phrase 'into every life a little rain must fall' strikes you as a beautiful metaphor perfectly encompassing our romantic but 'triste' existence, then spend a week in Devon while it's blowing a gale and stair rodding it down. You'll soon discover that there is bugger all romance in being rained on for 7 days solid.
Fortunately, we had books, guitars, games, and a small lake of port to keep us entertained - any port in a storm :-).
We endured, nay, we enjoyed! Although I think my liver may have suffered (yet more) permanent damage.
In fact it didn't rain every day, (just five out of seven) and the tail end of Hurricane Feckin' Irene made for some interesting sunsets.
Here's the slideshow, next year we're going to Feckin' Spain! :-)
Our Shangri-La
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert had obviously just been to Devon in September.
No, really, we had a great week (again), but if the phrase 'into every life a little rain must fall' strikes you as a beautiful metaphor perfectly encompassing our romantic but 'triste' existence, then spend a week in Devon while it's blowing a gale and stair rodding it down. You'll soon discover that there is bugger all romance in being rained on for 7 days solid.
Fortunately, we had books, guitars, games, and a small lake of port to keep us entertained - any port in a storm :-).
We endured, nay, we enjoyed! Although I think my liver may have suffered (yet more) permanent damage.
In fact it didn't rain every day, (just five out of seven) and the tail end of Hurricane Feckin' Irene made for some interesting sunsets.
Here's the slideshow, next year we're going to Feckin' Spain! :-)
Our Shangri-La
Thursday, 1 September 2011
"Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up. "
- Ernest Hemingway
Thursday morning, and a wonderful sunny day in store. It's also pack-up day for our extended family trip to Bideford. 14 of us staying in a big house with pool, A/V room and about 2 dozen bottles of port (plus wine and beer) for a week. We had a great time last year, cycling the Tarka trail, swimming in the sea at Putsborough, and lazing round the house.
It almost doesn't matter what the weather does, although a bit of sun would be nice.
Here's a couple of pix from last September:
Jane slicing onions (under Kathy's supervision), note cunning use of snorkel gear to avoid tears.
Otis looking goooood!
Cycling on the Tarka Trail
Eating - we did a lot of this!
So fingers crossed for another good week!
- Ernest Hemingway
Thursday morning, and a wonderful sunny day in store. It's also pack-up day for our extended family trip to Bideford. 14 of us staying in a big house with pool, A/V room and about 2 dozen bottles of port (plus wine and beer) for a week. We had a great time last year, cycling the Tarka trail, swimming in the sea at Putsborough, and lazing round the house.
It almost doesn't matter what the weather does, although a bit of sun would be nice.
Here's a couple of pix from last September:
Jane slicing onions (under Kathy's supervision), note cunning use of snorkel gear to avoid tears.
Otis looking goooood!
Cycling on the Tarka Trail
Eating - we did a lot of this!
So fingers crossed for another good week!
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